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  New arrivals 


more than a stone


Moissanite de Moi provides various options of Moissanite jewelries, which has become more popular around the world.

Moissanite de Moi 以在全球皆受到歡迎的莫桑鑽作為主打。

Image by chuttersnap
Image by Henry & Co.
make your 
own jewellery

Here, you can fully customize and design the best jewelry ever in your mind. You can freely decide the details of your one of a kind jewelry. 

在 Moissanite de Moi,您可以設計並訂造心目中最適合您的珠寶。隨您所想,精心打造。

gia & gra certification

Our gemstones are all certified with GIA and GRA. GIA was founded in 1931. It aims to protect all buyers and sellers of gemstones by setting and maintaining the standards used to evaluate gemstone quality. On the other side, Global Gemological Research Association Institute is the standard of excellence in gemstones services worldwide, since 1993.

我們所有的寶石皆通過 GIA 以及 GRA 的認證。GIA實驗室提供各種寶石分級和鑑定。GRA認證則是一個來自1993年開始的全球寶石服務的卓越標準,亦是國際公認的寶石護照。

“I just want to say thank you to the outstanding customer service. I'm satisfied with the product and price of the ring. It's worth it and will definitely order again.”

joann, canada
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